OK Sacramento Cat Lovers- Start thinking about this.

This Saturday is the registration to volunteer for the Happy Tails Pet Sanctuary. You (and your children) can volunteer your time and efforts this summer for the benefit of homeless pets.


Here is more information:

Happy Tails Pet Sanctuary – Volunteer Orientation Registration: 6/29/2013, 11:30am at Happy Tails Pet Sanctuary – Sacramento Bee.

Who already does volunteer work of this kind? Share your thoughts.

About My Cat-My Friend!

Hello! Nice to blog with you :) I am a Pennsylvania country girl who now lives in metro central Florida. I've been an Entertainer, Retail Agent, HR Manager, and Business Owner. Through it all there continues to be rewarding volunteer work and childcare. My desire to keep my precious pets as healthy as possible for as long as possible has led me to research life saving devices, pet water fountains. These were intended to attract felines to the water, and entice them to drink more, leading to better kidney and overall health. Needless to say, I have tried almost all of the veterinary approved pet fountains on the market today, and have something to say about each one. This blog is a place for cat lovers to learn, laugh, and celebrate the unique experience of Cat Ownership, where you are both depended upon and rebuffed, but at the end of the day, always loved unconditionally. I'm so glad your here!
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